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Monday, March 18, 2019


This will be a quickie… He swears… but you be the judge.

NOWAT aficionados will recall that Chucky and DL's Dear friends the Tempelshifs tend to attract an entourage when they travel.  Well it seems that this cruise is no different, however you can’t blame Mr & Mrs T this time for the growth of our group. 

As you may recall it started with Donna, Lenny and her friend from a different life, Mark.
And then the Dragon Chic threw herself and the stressed out Chucky into the mix, now a party of 5.

Well now, while out for dinner last Friday with their dear friends Lydia and Helmut Tevini - Helmut is Chucky’s former associate in the Hospitality industry, in another lifetime, who also sold him his Beloved Mercedes SL500 sometime back – another long story for another time - when the discussion turned to the upcoming cruise.
Long story short, the latest Mr & Mrs T- soon to be referred to as T1 and T2 - {and not to be confused with thoracic vertebrae} - we'll sort out which T is which later - had been after Chucky and DL to take a trip with them for some time.  The Cruise idea was ideal and they jumped at the chance to check out the availability on the Harmony – which was nearly sold out by the time Chucky booked.  As Luck would have it, they managed to snag one of the remaining four unclaimed cabins.
The entourage was now a party of 7.

Now I say they jumped at the chance but truth be told, it took some coaxing once Helmut heard there would be 4,994 other folks along for the ride. 
Yeah… it’s a “Biga-Boat” [as Chucky’s Italian Grandfather would call it] 
And Helmut, who considered his own 50 foot cabin cruiser plenty big enough for him, almost balked.  Lydia, Chucky, and DL were having none of that nonsense and as we speak, Helmut is headed to the Mall for some new cruise-wear.

Oh… and speaking of Malls…
Yeah Dragon Chic did have to run back to Aventura HERself to grab some new bathing togs as, due to the afore-mentioned workout, the weight and inch loss, all previous bathing costumes had been consigned to the GoodWill bag during the afore-mentioned closet purge.

HE on the other hand is still 0 for 3 Mall trips, swearing he had more than HE needed. 
Hey, 3 pairs of shorts, some polos & T's [not to be confused with the afore-mentioned T1's ad T2's] 1 bathing-suit and a pair of flip-flops, what else does a guy need for a 9 day Caribbean cruise. 
{Guys are easy}

That’s it – told you it would be a quickie.

Now, where were we Mr. Dewar and Sons?

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck & The Glad the T-2’s are along
Dragon Lady

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